Welcome to the mid-November round-up of the most interesting and important platform engineering news (delivered from KubeCon NA)! We've included the top links for articles, technical news, videos, and podcasts from the platform engineering community. If you want to share a link, please reply to this email or contact us.
Jaime Nagase riffs on Puppet’s 2024 State of DevOps Report and their coverage of the cultural changes that Platform Engineering must embrace.
The Red Hat folks examine the potential impact that platform engineering will have on adopting AI-powered tools and services.
This article explores how, despite its benefits, cell-based architecture introduces significant security challenges for app developers and platform engineers. Â
Tech News
Dapr is a set of integrated APIs with built-in best practices and patterns to build distributed applications (locks, workflows, queues, etc.), and it has just graduated from the CNCF!
This interesting Reddit thread explores career options for those with experience managing product and cloud platform teams.
Presentations and Video
Krzysztof Hałasa explores how to approach platform engineering through an ROI perspective, discussing whether platform topics are primarily for managers or engineers.
Team Topologies authors Matthew Skelton and Manuel Paid delve into the evolution, challenges, and practical applications of Team Topologies principles in real-world settings.
Podcasts and Webinars
This episode of KubeFM offers a practical perspective of Kubernetes based on real-world experience running production workloads.
Emanuel Mueller Ramos, Head of Developer Experience at Skyscanner, joins the EE podcast to discuss the evolution of his organisation.
Catch up on everything you missed at KubeCon North America 2024! Join Dotan Horovits, Viktor Farcic, Abby Bangser and Max Körbächer on the 19th of Nov.
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